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Shopping Cart JS

WajeehaCodes's github profile

The javascript Shopping Cart project is a web application that allows users to browse and purchase products. It provides a seamless and interactive shopping experience by implementing a shopping cart functionality using javascript.


k-deepak04's github profile

Building Real-time Temperature & Humidity sensor using ESP32 & DHT11


sshiwangi's github profile

reactjs Quiz is a user-friendly WebApp that presents a set of four answer choices for each question. By selecting the appropriate option, users can swiftly evaluate their performance and receive a calculated score based on the number of correct answers.

Med.Ez(Medicine management system)

raj3000k's github profile

This project some basic functionality that shop owner can add medicine and see all history for buying products This is a pharmacy management System, it helps the users to ADD, REMOVE and Modify the medicine details


shagunZ's github profile

The MovieApp is built with reactjs, leveraging APIs to provide users with an extensive collection of movies and comprehensive search options. The app dynamically retrieves movie data, including titles,ratings, posters, and more, ensuring an up-to-date and diverse selection for users to explore.


aparna03dubey's github profile

A web application that counts the daily water intake of an indivisual.


Man07har's github profile

A website design for the complaint pusposes and to showcase the products that a company has to offer

Digital Clock(Time Zone)

smty2018's github profile

Digital clock with time zone selection and GUI design.

GitHub Users API

Hardikaz's github profile

This project is made by using GitHub Users API and simple html, css, javascript

Movie Rental and Buying System

HartzFrequency's github profile

This project is a movie rental and buying system implemented in Cpp. The system allows users to browse catalog of movies, rent and buy movies, manage their rentals and purchases, and store user data using file handling.